
Appel à communication – Comics and Their Audiences / Audiences and Their Comics

Comics enthusiasts have long considered comics a uniquely participatory medium. As readers breathe life into static images, convert page space into narrative time, and transform splatters of ink into emotion, they engage with comics in languages that audiences and artists have developed in tandem, negotiating over generations The theme of this conference explores the idea of audiences in all its meanings. We consider, for example, comics audiences as physical people, individuals, and groups who engage with comics in different situations. Thus, the relationship of readers accessing comics in different languages allows inquiry into questions of translation and adaptation. Readers inhabiting different periods or surviving traumatic public and private moments allow historical and biographical readings. Attention to how audiences identify themselves — according to different or multiple racial, sexual, religious, ethnic, gender, or national identities, physical ability, or migration status — offers to validate marginalised perspectives and fracture traditional understandings. [...]

2020-10-13T14:02:22+01:00octobre 13th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|

Appel à contribution – Closure: Journal for Comic Studies

In the fall of 2021, CLOSURE will once again offer a forum for all facets of comics studies. From literary, cultural, media, social and image research to the sciences and beyond: the seventh edition of CLOSURE continues our ongoing search for the best and most innovative articles and reviews representing the state of the art in comics research. We welcome detailed close readings as much as comics theory and pioneering approaches to the medium — our open section comprises a diverse range of interdisciplinary studies of all things ›comic‹. Thematic Section: Non Narrative Comics What connects two panels, placed side by side? The default answer, more often than not, is ›narrative‹. Scott McCloud, for one, calls for an unravelling of the ‘Mysteries surrounding the invisible art of comics storytelling’. In issue #8 of Closure, we want to contest this narrative reduction – and uncover a non-narrative art of comics [...]

2020-10-12T14:37:38+01:00octobre 12th, 2020|Appel à contribution, Article|

Appel à contribution – Call for Chapters: The Ilan Manouach Critical Reader

This collection of essays will focus on the works of Brussels/Athens-based artist Ilan Manouach (Athens, 1980). Manouach has been publishing since the early 2000s, with most of his output via Brussels art comics house La Cinquième Couche. While his practice has often been described as “experimental” or “conceptual”, his approaches have in fact been quite varied. Although he takes up multiple perspectives, some of his titles are particularly attentive to the interstices of the formal and expressive affordances of the comics medium (Blanco, Compendium of Franco-Belgian Comics, Un monde un peu meilleur) or to its political, economic and social implications (e.g. the microwork projects Harvested, The Cubicle Island and the forthcoming Peanuts Minus Schulz). Even more exemplary, perhaps, are the works in which he employs appropriation practices to ask challenging questions about the discipline through comics themselves (Katz,MetaKatz, Noirs, Cascao, La ballade de la mer sale). Moreover, Manouach has also been at the [...]

2020-09-15T09:28:35+01:00septembre 15th, 2020|Appel à contribution, Article|

Appel à participation pour être reviewer

Studies in Comics invites self-nominations for new editorial board members.   Successful applicants will be invited to join the board of this established academic journal. Your name will appear in the publication’s editorial board listings and you will receive online access to all past and current issues. As an editorial board member you will be invited to review 2-4 articles per year, with a minimum requirement that you review 2 per year unless exceptional circumstances prevent. We will not send you more than 4 articles per year to review. Reviews will be requested with a turn-around of 3 weeks.   If you are interested in being considered, please send a short (4 page maximum) CV to studiesincomics@gmail.com, along with a brief covering email. The covering email should include a paragraph summarising your research interests and specialities within comics studies. We are open to applications from scholars at all levels, including postgraduate/graduate study, [...]

2020-09-15T09:09:24+01:00septembre 15th, 2020|Appel à contribution, Article|

Colloque – Graphic Novels, Comics, and Popular Culture

The Graphic Novels, Comics, and Popular Culture subject area chair welcomes presentation proposals on formal, cultural, historical, and theoretical dimensions of sequential art in all its forms (comics, graphic novels, anime, etc.).   Presentations may focus on a single work, put works into productive conversation with one another, or investigate relationships between works of sequential art and their transmedia adaptations ; in the latter case, however, significant emphasis should be placed on sequential art – those proposals focusing predominantly on film, television, gaming, or other formats might be better suited for other interest areas.   Authors may also submit field-provoking critical literature reviews intended to reframe scholarly discussion around major disciplinary themes or questions, works of sequential art history or historiography, ethnographic work concerning sequential art audiences, studies of the sequential art industry’s political economy, or investigations into new forms of sequential art storytelling, consumption, distribution, or marketing. Of course, [...]

2020-09-12T10:36:23+01:00septembre 12th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|

Appel à participation créative – Au-delà des deux solitudes dans le monde canadien des BD : La communication entre la BD canadienne et les comics canadiens

En 1945, Hugh MacLennan, Canadien-Montréalais anglophone, publie son deuxième roman intitulé Two Solitudes. Ce livre remporte un énorme succès et l’expression « 2 solitudes » en français et en anglais a rapidement pris racine dans la culture canadienne pour traduire le manque de communication entre les 2 communautés linguistiques, francophone et anglophone. Ce manque était réel tant dans la vie quotidienne et ordinaire que dans la vie culturelle. Ainsi la littérature en français n’était que rarement lue ou traduite par des anglophones ou influencée par la littérature canadienne anglophone, et réciproquement. L’histoire des comics canadiens et des bandes dessinées québécoises (BDQ) ne fait pas exception. Les deux volets de la production nationale se sont développés de façon parallèle sans vraiment tisser de liens ou de ponts. De plus, même si la production de BD et comics des Premières Nations en langues européennes ou en langues autochtones est plus récente, elle est [...]

2020-09-12T11:24:22+01:00septembre 12th, 2020|Appel à contribution, Article|

Soutien à Camille Zimmermann et à toutes les personnes subissant du harcèlement dans le cadre universitaire

Soutien à Camille Zimmermann et à toutes les personnes subissant du harcèlement dans le cadre universitaire ou dans l’enseignement supérieur Le 07 septembre 2020, dans un long message posté sur Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/camille.l.zimmermann/posts/10158876898072147 ; repris sur Medium), Camille Zimmermann dénonçait le harcèlement qu’elle a vécu de la part de son directeur de thèse qui la conduit à abandonner son doctorat. Nous résumons ici très rapidement le témoignage de Camille et en en citant quelques extraits, mais nous vous encourageons vivement à aller lire l’ensemble de son texte accessible en ligne. Nous avertissons les lecteur.rice.s que le témoignage de Camille, comme celui qui va suivre, fait mention de harcèlement et de suicide. La rencontre entre Camille et son directeur a lieu durant la L3 de la jeune femme. Le professeur lui montre de l’intérêt et une accointance commence alors, constituée d’échanges oraux et écrits. La plupart des personnes qui ont été [...]

2020-09-14T10:15:54+01:00septembre 9th, 2020|Article, La Brèche - Général|

Appel à communication – Visual Depictions of the American West. How the West Was Drawn and What It Showed Us

The global production and distribution of Latinx graphic narratives, films, sitcom-format mainstream shows, digital visual products, and storytelling projects can be seen as a fairly new literary and narrative trendundergoing rapid evolution in the United States. Netflix shows like “One Day at a Time” or “Gente-fied” wereproduced during the same years as the graphic novels Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer. Undocumented Vignettesfrom a Pre-American Life (Ledesma, 2017) and Undocumented. A Worker’s Fight (Tonatiuh, 2018). Streetmurals, street signs, stickers, patches, comics, graphic novels, digital zines, illustrated short stories, webcomics, Instagram comics, and massive block-long illustration projects are constantly produced anddistributed by multidisciplinary sources and independent visual artists around the major cities of the American West. The storytelling of these graphic products travels from El Paso borderline to Phoenix AZ, from Tijuana toSan Diego to LA and Oakland, and passes through Portland all the way to Seattle. The Western side of the U.S.explores [...]

2020-09-12T10:00:58+01:00septembre 8th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|

Appel à communication – Résistances de/dans/par la science fiction : regards politiques

De manière plus complexe que les images simplistes dont elle se voit trop souvent affublée, la science-fiction est un univers de résistances : son histoire éditoriale aux lisières des genres canoniques et les thématiques de révolte – d’humains ou de non-humains, d’ailleurs – qu’elle a largement incorporées en sont des illustrations parmi tant d’autres. Sur un plan scientifique, les études francophones du politique semblent toutefois avoir peu travaillé cette dimension, alors que le genre a connu un développement notable et que son influence culturelle s’est étendue. Cette lacune est d’autant plus surprenante que les théories de la fiction ont montré que l’activité narrative possède des vertus de décentrement essentielles pour se penser autrement et que les effets peuvent être aussi politiques. Il y a donc un certain nombre de points aveugles dans les relations entre science-fiction et politique que cette section thématique propose d’explorer en profitant de la ressource heuristique [...]

2020-09-12T09:59:18+01:00septembre 8th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|

Appel à communication – ComIN20: International Conference on Indian Comics

ComIN stands for ​Comics in India​. As the name suggests, the discussions under this will be largely surrounded with primarily two themes : Comics + India. The need for such a space has been felt for long. A space that provides scope of dialogues to researchers, practitioners, publishers, and fans of the medium. The tradition of comics reading is nothing sort of new in India. The mythic figures, the kings with demons, flying superheroes in the local cities, the black and white detectives, and so many other characters have touched upon an India kid’s life at some point of time. With the popularity of technology driven entertainment, Indian comics has seen a transition of form and content. Lire l'appel en entier Lieu : Institut indien de technologie de Delhi Date : 5-6 décembre 2020 Langue : anglais Date limite d'envoi des propositions : 30 septembre 2020 Contact : comicsindia20@gmail.com

2020-09-12T09:57:00+01:00septembre 8th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|