The global production and distribution of Latinx graphic narratives, films, sitcom-format mainstream shows, digital visual products, and storytelling projects can be seen as a fairly new literary and narrative trendundergoing rapid evolution in the United States. Netflix shows like “One Day at a Time” or “Gente-fied” wereproduced during the same years as the graphic novels Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer. Undocumented Vignettesfrom a Pre-American Life (Ledesma, 2017) and Undocumented. A Worker’s Fight (Tonatiuh, 2018). Streetmurals, street signs, stickers, patches, comics, graphic novels, digital zines, illustrated short stories, webcomics, Instagram comics, and massive block-long illustration projects are constantly produced anddistributed by multidisciplinary sources and independent visual artists around the major cities of the American West. The storytelling of these graphic products travels from El Paso borderline to Phoenix AZ, from Tijuana toSan Diego to LA and Oakland, and passes through Portland all the way to Seattle. The Western side of the U.S.explores through these narratives’ diverse themes of anti-romantic realities inside the empire ; this production can represent or misrepresent the force and contribution that undocumented communities bring to the American western society. Narratives displaying colonization, borders, national identity, first-generation American life experiences, bilingualism, the resistance of ancient tribes, the strong indigenousactivism, and the childhood of undocumented kids explore problematic ideas about belonging, citizenship, and cultural identity that deserve in-depth analysis due to the current socio-political charged climate in the U.S. around equity and inclusion.

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Lieu : Université « Ça’Foscari » de Venise

Date : 13-16 septembre 2021

Langue : anglais – espagnol

Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 2 octobre 2020

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