Comics & Travel

Comics are a static medium capable of rendering the most dynamic and fantastic forms of travel. This conference seeks papers that engage with comics and travel in a range of ways, drawing on multiple disciplines and comic genres, as well as the practicie of the movement of comics themselves: as artefacts and vessels for ideas and ideologies. From representations of international movement to comics used to help narrate mogrant experience, from graphic journalism to Lois Lane, from consideration of the practicial aspects of depicting movement to the reception of comics having themselves travelled, whether domestically or internationally, this conference looks to bring tohgether scholars diverse in both approaches and geography to provide an sinisght into the broadly conceived area of comics and travel Lire l’appel en entier Lieu : Oxford, R.U. Date : 5 juillet 2019 Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 8 mars Contact : [...]

2019-02-26T22:05:11+01:00janvier 28th, 2019|Appel à communication, Article|

Storyworlds and Transmedia Universes

The notion of a storyworld, or a shared universe within which the settings, characters, objects, events, and actions of one or more narrative are present, existed long before the present day media. Examples include myths and legends of antiquity, folktales and Arthurian romances. Today’s storyworlds, described by Mark Wolf (2012) as, “transnarrative, transmedia, and transauthorial in nature” (14), open up fresh opportunities. Storyworlds have found a fertile terrain in comic strips and graphic novels. After all, the text/images form provides narratives dedicated to specific characters, times and places; these narratives are often used as source material for adaptations in film, games and broadcast media. Consequently creators, fans and corporations can interact with other forms beyond comics, thereby developing characters and narratives, as well as exploring new storytelling methods. Lire l’appel en entier Lieu : Manchester Metropolitan University Date :24-28 juin 2019 Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 1 février [...]

2019-02-26T22:04:32+01:00janvier 28th, 2019|Appel à communication, Article|

L’agenda bréchois au Festival d’Angoulême

Plusieurs membres de la Brèche seront présents à l'occasion du Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême du 24 au 27 janvier 2019 lors de conférences ou de stands. L'occasion idéale de nous rencontrer et d'en savoir plus sur l'association. Maël Rannou tient le stand de l'Egouttoir en bulle New-York (F30) et anime la rencontre "Un an de bande dessinée alternative" le vendredi 25 à 16h au Conservatoire Olivier Crépin tient le stand Rutabaga au Nouveau Monde Sophie Bonadè tient le stand de l'association Les Siffleurs au Nouveau Monde Benoît Préteseille tient le stand des éditions ION au Nouveau Monde Sylvain Lesage et Florian Moine sont présents lors de la conférence "(À suivre) : archives d'une revue" le vendredu 25 à 14h au Conservatoire Julien Baudry participe à la table ronde "Vers une professionalisation de la bande dessinée numérique" le vendredi 25 à 14h au Pavillon Jeunes Talents. [...]

2019-01-19T15:07:19+01:00janvier 19th, 2019|Article, La Brèche - Général|