Appel à communication – Colloque : La bédéphilie en revues

Ce colloque a pour ambition d’explorer les formes prises par la bédéphilie dans les supports périodiques, que ce soient les revues spécialisées sur la bande dessinée, les revues de bandes dessinées mais aussi la presse généraliste — journaux quotidiens, magazines d’information généraliste ou revues consacrées à des sujets autres que la bande dessinée. Lire de la bande dessinée, aimer la bande dessinée étaient jusqu’au début des années soixante des marqueurs culturels infamants. La « légitimation » de la bande dessinée est un processus récent, au long cours et aux logiques plurielles. Une de ses formes privilégiées sur la durée fut la multiplication des espaces d’expression sur la bande dessinée. À partir des années 1960 en France, la constitution des premiers mouvements bédéphiles et la montée progressive d’une sensibilité « jeune » dans la culture quotidienne des Trente Glorieuses contribuèrent à faire graduellement de la bande dessinée un objet de discussion et d’appréciation esthétique, [...]

2020-10-15T08:26:31+01:00octobre 15th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|

Appel à contribution – Edited Collection on Comics and Education

Comics are a staple of popular culture around the world, and research on comics as tools for education shows the possibilities that comics offer educators. Yet the research on the use of comics in primary and secondary education is still scarce. Therefore, we are collecting suggestions for chapters for an edited collection that addresses the need for scholarly work on comics as a tool for educational practice. This collection addresses an audience of primary and secondary school teachers, librarians, parents, preservice teachers, teacher educators, and others. Chapters could include literary analysis of comics’ potential for teaching, as well as studies of classroom activities and teacher/student experiences. Possible subjects include, but are not limited to: • The use of comics in teaching various school subjects: History, Mathematics, Geography etc. • Perspectives on curriculum and syllabus. • Using comics for inclusive education. • Cross-curricular/Interdisciplinary school work with comics. For any questions on a particular topic for [...]

2020-10-15T08:12:19+01:00octobre 15th, 2020|Appel à contribution, Article|

Appel à communication – Colloque : Pif Gadget et compagnie : approches pluridisciplinaires

Le programme de recherche Pifgadg & Cie a pour but d’analyser les contenus des succès de presse que sont Vaillant puis Vaillant, Le journal de Pif (1965) et Pif Gadget (1969-1993 puis 2004-2008). Impliquant notamment des collègues de l’université de Bourgogne/Franche-Comté provenant de laboratoires différents, le projet entend valoriser les approches pluri et transdisciplinaires, de façon à questionner la supposée fabrication d’un imaginaire collectif et la construction d’une mémoire commune communiste à travers ce magazine de jeunesse. Lire l'appel en entier Lieu : MSHE Ledoux à Besançon Date : 4 et 5 février 2021 Langue : français - anglais - espagnol Date limite d'envoi des propositions : 1er décembre 2020 Contact : sebastien.laffage-cosnier[at] et à christian.vivier[at]

2020-10-13T14:59:22+01:00octobre 13th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|

Appel à communication – Comics and Their Audiences / Audiences and Their Comics

Comics enthusiasts have long considered comics a uniquely participatory medium. As readers breathe life into static images, convert page space into narrative time, and transform splatters of ink into emotion, they engage with comics in languages that audiences and artists have developed in tandem, negotiating over generations The theme of this conference explores the idea of audiences in all its meanings. We consider, for example, comics audiences as physical people, individuals, and groups who engage with comics in different situations. Thus, the relationship of readers accessing comics in different languages allows inquiry into questions of translation and adaptation. Readers inhabiting different periods or surviving traumatic public and private moments allow historical and biographical readings. Attention to how audiences identify themselves — according to different or multiple racial, sexual, religious, ethnic, gender, or national identities, physical ability, or migration status — offers to validate marginalised perspectives and fracture traditional understandings. [...]

2020-10-13T14:02:22+01:00octobre 13th, 2020|Appel à communication, Article|

Appel à contribution – Closure: Journal for Comic Studies

In the fall of 2021, CLOSURE will once again offer a forum for all facets of comics studies. From literary, cultural, media, social and image research to the sciences and beyond: the seventh edition of CLOSURE continues our ongoing search for the best and most innovative articles and reviews representing the state of the art in comics research. We welcome detailed close readings as much as comics theory and pioneering approaches to the medium — our open section comprises a diverse range of interdisciplinary studies of all things ›comic‹. Thematic Section: Non Narrative Comics What connects two panels, placed side by side? The default answer, more often than not, is ›narrative‹. Scott McCloud, for one, calls for an unravelling of the ‘Mysteries surrounding the invisible art of comics storytelling’. In issue #8 of Closure, we want to contest this narrative reduction – and uncover a non-narrative art of comics [...]

2020-10-12T14:37:38+01:00octobre 12th, 2020|Appel à contribution, Article|