Appel à contribution – Closure: Journal for Comic Studies
In the fall of 2021, CLOSURE will once again offer a forum for all facets of comics studies. From literary, cultural, media, social and image research to the sciences and beyond: the seventh edition of CLOSURE continues our ongoing search for the best and most innovative articles and reviews representing the state of the art in comics research. We welcome detailed close readings as much as comics theory and pioneering approaches to the medium — our open section comprises a diverse range of interdisciplinary studies of all things ›comic‹. Thematic Section: Non Narrative Comics What connects two panels, placed side by side? The default answer, more often than not, is ›narrative‹. Scott McCloud, for one, calls for an unravelling of the ‘Mysteries surrounding the invisible art of comics storytelling’. In issue #8 of Closure, we want to contest this narrative reduction – and uncover a non-narrative art of comics [...]