In an age of globalisation, popular culture has been increasingly analysed through transnational perspectives to reveal how local, national, international, and global dynamics influence and shape the form and content of a given cultural artefact, and impact its production, consumption, and regulation. Comics can cross national and cultural boundaries in a variety of contexts: from its hand drawn form that blends diverse cultural influences and styles and its collaborative creative process, to the translation and circulation of comics across countries (amongst other aspects). In this regard, the study of comics provides a rich subject of focus in which to effectively engage with issues of transnational exchange.

The Comics Collections available in the Archives and Special Collections Centre at the UAL is a useful example of transnational exchange, and serves as a small window into the transatlantic flow of creative influence shared between national comics traditions in the latter half of the twentieth century. (…) In association with the UAL Archives and Special Collections Centre and the Comics Research Hub (CoRH), this symposium invites proposals which consider transnational perspectives on comics in the broadest sense.


Lire l’appel en entier

Lieu : Londres, London College of Communication (University of Arts London)

Dates : 6 mars 2019

Langue : anglais

Modalités de soumission :

« Proposals will be considered in the following formats:

1. Individual 20 minute paper.

2. A 60 minute workshop which engages with the theme.

Please send abstract proposals of up to 250 words in length, and a short (100 word) biography »

Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 30 novembre 2018, notification d’acceptation le 14 décembre 2019

Contact : Dr William Grady at:

Contact : adresse mail de la personne contact