Articles are invited for a special issue of Studies in Comics (11.1) on the theme of Comics and Education. Comics have enjoyed a resurgence in the classroom as educators, creators, and scholars have come to recognise the diverse ways in which the medium can be used to support literacy, communication skills, and creativity. Significantly, the use of comics for and as education also promotes cross-medial learning, as readers may use the form as a starting point for further reading, but also to enhance and supplement other pedagogical materials. As Syma and Weiner argue, “it is no longer a question of whether sequential art should be used in educational settings, but rather how to use it and for what purpose” (2013, 1). Comics present an immersive, engaging, and memorable tool for communication because they require the reader to actively participate in the meaning-making process by utilising verbal, visual, spatial, and gestural modes of understanding among others (Bakis 2008). Indeed, comics can help readers of all ages understand complex ideas through these means and allow teachers and learners to explore, stimulate, and enhance educational outcomes.

Guest Editors: Dr Damon Herd, Professor Divya Jindal-Snape and Megan Sinclair (University of Dundee).

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Revue : Studies in Comics

Langue : anglais

Modalités de soumission : articles complets (4000-6000 mots) à envoyer avant le 1er novembre 2019

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